On 2nd October 2024, around 55 Sunday School children went on a Marian Pilgrimage accompanied by 9 catechists, headed by Fr Joe Gonsalves, the Spiritual Director of the Sunday School. Fr Nelson Saldanha, our Parish Priest welcomed the children for the pilgrimage. The opening prayer was conducted at St Thomas Church by Catechist Lilia Fernandes. Beautiful colourful rosaries. along with a lovely Prayer Card having the rosary designed by Ms. Sharol Menezes from the Legion of Mary, was distributed to all the children and catechists attending the Pilgrimage. After the children received the rosary, catechists Gracy and Alina led us into the start of the rosary.
Two big buses were organized for the pilgrimage, the seating arrangements were class wise very methodically planned by Catechist Anil Sequeira.
The pilgrimage consisted of visits to 5 Marian churches. Our Lady of Rosary, Goregaon West, Our Lady of Lourdes, Orlem, Our Lady of Remedy, Poinsur, Our Lady of Assumption, Kandivali and Our Lady of the Sea, Madh Island.
At all churches we recited a decade of Joyful mysteries. Catechist Gracy led us through a creative and prayerful reflection of each mystery followed by the decade of the rosary initiated by Catechist Alina. Catechist Jennifer began and concluded each mystery with a hymn to Mother Mary.
The recitation of the decade of the rosary followed the description of the title of Mary at the church and a brief history of the church itself by Catechist Godeleva Deniz. The Parish Priests of each church were very happy to welcome us and thanked us for coming on such a pilgrimage. Fr. Joe led us into praying the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be for the intentions and ministry of the priests of each parish as well as our parish team. Catechist Annabelle proposed the Vote of thanks at every church.
The children enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast at Our Lady of the Rosary Church and were fortunate to receive some snacks at every parish…… thanks to the generosity and thoughtfulness of every Parish priest
Our last visit was to St. Bonaventure church, Erangal where everyone enjoyed a good, tasty lunch.
After lunch games were organized by Catechist Elsa for two groups followed by a visit to the Beach. The concluding Prayer was held in the St. Bonaventure church followed by Fr. Joe thanking every catechist for fulfilling their role to perfection. The children enjoyed the pilgrimage gaining knowledge about and also learned about the different Marian titles, and all were very excited. The return bus journey home was full of fun just like a picnic.
We thank all our catechists along with Fr Joe Gonsalves and Fr Nelson Saldanha Our Parish Priest for bearing the cost of the entire pilgrimage. This was the FIRST MARIAN PILGRIMAGE organized by ST THOMAS PARISH for its Sunday School children.
-Sunday School Teachers.