1. 10 Deacons will be ordained as priest for the Archdiocese of Bombay on
Saturday, 16th March 2024 at 6.00 pm at St. Pius College, Seminary by His
Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias. Cajetan Mendes who served in our parish
last year is one among them. Kindly keep them in your prayers. All are invited
for the ordination Service.
2. On Friday Way of the Cross and Masses as per the earlier announcement.
3. Lenten one day Recollection in Tamil will be held tomorrow / today from
11.00am to 5.00 pm in our Church. Please take part in large numbers.
4. There will be Mission in English on 15th , 16th and 17th March 2024 preached by
Fr. Michael D’cunha and Fr. Melroy Mendonca. Evening Mass followed by
preaching and Blessed Sacrament Adoration and blessing will be given. Please
come and take part in large numbers
5. Our Sunday school will be celebrating their Annual Cum Prize Distribution Day,
on Sunday 17 th March, 2024, after the 9.30 am Mass at the School Quadrangle.
All are invited.
6. St Pius Seminary has requested donation to repair the building as well as to
incur the expenses.. Those who wish to transfer the amount directly can find the
Bank details on the notice board also shared in PPC group. Cheques should be
drawn in the name of St. Pius College. A box is placed near the Altar for
7. We wish to thank Brother Anand for preaching Marathi Missions last week and
senior Citizens Cell for organizing Lenten Way of the cross to Our Lady of the
Health Church, Versova and to Special Children home and Leprosy home. 60
parishioners took part in the out reach. God bless your good work.
8. Lenten confession will be on Tuesday 19th March and Wednesday 20th March
2024 from 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Outside priests will be available. Please take
part and prepare for the Holy Week.
9. SVP will be having a collection today after Mass.
10. The All Mumbai Walking Pilgrimage will be held on 16th March, 2024. Starting at
10.30 pm from Cross Maidan-Dhobi Talao to Mt. Mary’s Basilica Bandra. For
more details please see the notice board.
11. We congratulate Ms. Jennifer Stevens and Ms. Anabelle D’cruz for completing
Catechetical Training Course for one year successfully. We wish you the best
for your service in Sunday School.
12. The Parish fathers thank you for last Sunday’s collections which amounted to