1. 13th June the memorial of St. Anthony of Padua.
2. Regular Sunday Masses will begin from tomorrow/ today: 7.00 am in Tamil, 8.15 am Parish
Mass , 9.30 am Children’s Mass and 6.00 pm in English . On Sunday 16th June 6.00 p.m. Mass
will be in Marathi.
3. Regular Week day Masses will begin from Monday, 10th June, 2024: 6.45 am and 7.00 pm.
4. The Confirmation programme for 2024-25 will begin from 16th June 2024. The candidates who
have appeared for their SSC examinations or those who have completed 15 years of age are
eligible to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. The classes will be held every Sunday from
8 am to 9.30 am followed by mass at 9.30 am. Kindly collect the Confirmation form and submit it
in the parish office by Sunday 12th June 2024.
5. Parish Pastoral Council meeting tomorrow / today after 9.30 am Mass in the conference room.
Members please be present.
6. The list of Parish Units (SCC) and Cells and Association with the Parish Fathers as Spiritual
directors are posted on the notice board and also in WhatsApp group. The Coordinators and
heads of Cells and Associations are requested to contact your respective Spiritual Director before
you begin the regular meeting
7. Sunday school will begin on Sunday 16 th June at 8.00 am parents are requested to send your
children for Sunday school and Mass regularly.
8. The amount paid to our parishioners in the month of May, 2024 towards Medical Aid is
Rs.1,88,791/- and Educational Aid is Rs15,000/-. All members are requested to kindly
contribute 1% of the family income towards the Community Welfare Fund.
9. S.V.P will have their collection after mass. Please be generous.
10. Jesus Youth Mumbai is organizing Annual Youth Retreat in English for the youth from 13th to
16th June, 2024 at Tabor Bhavan, Kalyan. For details please see the notice board.
11. Parishioners are requested to drop the study materials and stationery at the Bombay Catholic
Sabha helpdesk in the porch.
12. St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai offers various courses to students in F.Y.J.C. For details kindly
see the notice board.
13. Don Bosco College, Kurla offers various Degree Courses for the academic year 2024-2025.
For details please see the notice board.
14. The parish fathers thank you for last Sunday’s collection which amounted to Rs.27,623/-