1. Tomorrow /today as we celebrate Republic Day, let us ask God Almighty to bless the citizens of our country with peace, unity and harmony. May the Leaders serve the nation with equality, justice and righteousness.
2. Today we celebrate the Word of God Sunday. May the Word of God inspire our lives to walk in the light of our Savior.
3. 27th January the memorial of St. Timothy and St. Titus.
28th January the memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas
31st January the memorial of St John Bosco
4. World Marriage Day will be celebrated in our Parish on Sunday 9th February 2025. All married couples are invited for a Special Eucharistic Celebration at the 6.00 pm mass on Sunday 9th February 2025 to Renew their Marriage Wows followed by a Get together in the School Quadrangle. The program will conclude with dinner. Kindly register with the members of the Parish Family Cell in the porch. Registration charges Rs. 200 per couple.
5. The Legion of Mary is having a special prayer service tomorrow /today after the 9.30 am mass in the church for students appearing for 10th and 12th board exams and others appearing for final exams. Requesting students to attend and receive blessings.
6. Parish Pastoral Council meeting is on Sunday 2nd February 2025 after the 9.30 am Mass.
7. Online admission for Junior KG in our School will start from 1 st February 2025. For details, please see the banner on the school entrance.
8. The parish fathers thank you for the last collections:
Last Sunday.…….……………………………........Rs. 35,180/-
First Holy Communion Love Offering……....Rs. 6,000/-