1. Today/tomorrow World Marriage Day will be celebrated in our Parish. All married couples are invited for a Special Eucharistic Celebration at the 6.00 pm mass to renew their marriage vows.
2. Today’s second collection will be sent to the Archbishop’s House for the Holy Childhood Association. Please be generous.
3. The monthly youth meeting will be held tomorrow/today after the 9.30 am mass in the school basement. Requesting all the youth to attend.
4. A Thanksgiving Eucharist to welcome and felicitate our new Archbishop John Rodrigues will be held on 11th February 2025 at 5.30 pm at the Holy Name Cathedral, Colaba. All are invited.
5. The Legion of Mary has organized a mass for the sick and home bound on the 16th of Feb 2025 at 4 pm in our church. Requesting all concerned families to arrange to bring your respective sick and home bound family member for this mass and seek blessings and anointment.
6. A picnic for the Senior Citizens will be held on Thursday 20th February. The bus leaves at 8 am. Registration charges Rs 200/- per person. Kindly enlist in the porch on the first come first served basis only.
7. The parish fathers thank you for last Sunday’s collection which amounted to Rs.37163/-.