1. 18th February the memorial of St Kuriakose Chavara.
22nd February the feast of the Chair of St. Peter.
2. The Legion of Mary has organized a mass for the sick and home-bound tomorrow/today at 4 pm in our church. Requesting all concerned families to arrange to bring your respective sick and home bound family member for this mass and seek blessings and anointing.
3. On account of the Jubilee year 2025, a cross is allotted to every parish from the Archbishop’s House. There will be an inauguration of the Cross tomorrow/today at 8.15 am Mass and will remain in the Church till 2nd March 2025. Thereafter the Cross will be circulated in the Communities, the order of the
circulation of the Cross will be just like the Rosary we have in the month of October. The community Coordinators will be given instructions of the same and also prayer cards printed in English, Marathi, Konkani and Tamil will be handed over kindly cooperate, come in large number to pray and receive
Indulgence and blessings during this Jubilee Year. The Cross will be circulated during the entire year to the families of our parish in order to strengthen faith and hope in the Lord.
4. Coming Sunday 23rd February, 13 youngsters will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at 6.00 pm mass which will be presided by Bp. Allwyn D’silva. Please pray for the youngsters that they may keep the faith and come closer to the Lord Almighty.
5. The Senior citizens of our parish who have enlisted for a picnic are requested to assemble near the school entrance on Thursday 20th February 2025 by 7.45 am, the bus will leave by 8.00 am.
6. We wish to thank the Family Cell for organizing the Mass on 9th February 2025 and also for an exciting get-together with games and dinner May God bless your commitment and bless the couple participants.
7. Mission Sisters of Ajmer have begun the Junior College Co-Ed Institute for Commerce and Science stream which includes Information Technology subject. For more information check the notice board.
8. The Bombay Catholic Sabha has organized a Blood donation drive on Sunday 23rd February in the school basement from 8 am to 12 pm. Please be generous to donate blood and help the noble cause.
9. There will be an SVP collection today. Kindly be generous.
10. The parish fathers thank you for the following collections:
Last Sunday……………………........ Rs.35,187/-
Holy Childhood Association……. Rs.25,335/-.