1. Today we celebrate Prison Ministry Sunday.
2. 14th August, the memorial of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
3. 15th August, we celebrate the Solemn Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and our country’s Independence Day. The Masses are : 7.00 am in Tamil and 8.30 am in English. Please note there is no evening Mass. It is a day of obligation.
4. The flag hoisting program in our school will begin at 7.45 am.
5. The second collection of today will be sent to the Archbishop’s House for the restoration of Manipur people. Kindly be generous.
6. Parish Pastoral Council meeting will be held today, 13th August, after the 9.30 am Mass in the conference room. All members have to be present.
7. We, the fathers wish to thank you dear parishioners, PPC members and our children for your love, prayers, wishes and gifts on our feast day. We are indeed glad and feel closeness with you. God bless you and our parish.
8. The 5th and 6th Std. Sunday School children will be going for Faith Formation to Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Goregaon West, on 20th August,2023. Please keep them in your prayers.
9. St. Thomas Prayer group meets every Saturday after the evening Mass, all are invited.
10. Kindly visit the church bookstall for new stock arrivals of books and articles and patronise the same.
11. The Parish Family Cell has planned a Recollection for members on Tuesday 15th August 2023 from 9.45am to 4.00pm at Sarvodaya (St. Pius Seminary Complex) Goregaon, East which includes Breakfast, lunch and tea, charges are Rs. 100/- per person which concludes with Mass at 3.00 pm. Requesting the Senior Citizens and couples interested in the family ministry to register with the members of the Family Cell by 13th August, 2023.
12. Those who wish to join as Prison Ministry volunteers or want to support the Prison Ministry in any form, kindly refer to the Prison Ministry poster put up on the notice board or contact the book stall.
13. The Marian movement is glad to inform you that the THIRTY THIRD ANNUAL ALL BOMBAY NIGHT VIGIL to pray for peace in our country will be held on 14th August, 2023 at Sacred Heart Church, Santacruz West at 10.00 pm. The Night Vigil ends with a Holy Hour and the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 5.30 am. All are invited.
14. SVP will be having a collection on 19th and 20th August after Mass.
15. The Parish fathers thank you for the following collections:- Last Sunday ……….. Rs. 33,664.00 Vianney Day…………… Rs. 38,380.00